
  1. Select your player;
  2. Press 'space' to start the game;
  3. Use:
    • UP: Move character up
    • DOWN: Move character down
    • LEFT: Move character left
    • RIGHT: Move character right
    • SPACE: Pause the game
    • ESC: Reset the game
    • ENTER: Start the game after the game over

Obs: You can press 'Esc' anytime to reset the game.


  1. The player need to reach the water to earn ponts, the point will be 100 * game level. Example: 100 * 3 (game level) = 300 points. When this happens the player comes back to initial position;
  2. The player starts with 3 lifes and can't touch the bugs, else the life will be decreased;
  3. Each 10 sec, it's generated a random prize and it has a random time life. The prizes could be:
    • Heart: Increases the player's life;
    • Gem Blue: Increases 200 * game level points;
    • Gem Green: Increases 400 * game level points;
    • Gem Orange: Decreases the number of bugs;
  4. Each time that the player reach the water or got a prize, a count is increased. If this count reach the game level + 3 the game level will be increased and a new random bug will be genareted;
  5. The game starts with 3 bugs, when a bug is generated, the game randomize the position, life and speed. The life is a count about how many time the bug will pass, case the time life is reach, the bug will be removed and a new random bug appears;